So who am I?

I love working in design.

I think up ideas, create concepts, draw visuals and design environments to think of innovative and exciting ways to tell stories. For that’s what I do. I’m a storyteller. Whether it’s for an immersive experience, and exhibition, a film, a radio play or an event, the visitor or viewer has to feel a connection to make it a success.


I don’t do this all on my own, I work with other talented designers, organisations, communities, charities, museums and attractions and together we create something unique and individual to them. Sometimes we use lighting, moving images, recorded sounds, set build, sculpture, words, pictures and graphics to tell the story the best way possible. When it works well you remember it forever.

I often get my hands dirty with on site installations, while squaring circles with the accounts department. I like collaboration, I thrive with like minded people and I’ve worked with many brilliant clients both in the UK and around the world.